Stories of Snovid, 1: Terrific Attitudes and Eager Assistance
The week of Snovid — or Snowmageddon — here in North Texas was a challenge to say the least. Despite an emergency planning session and calls to all our clients and caregivers on the Friday before the bad weather set in, the hurdles we faced were more challenging than we anticipated.
As the local roads and sidewalks iced over and the power outages began, we found ourselves with both caregivers unable to get to work safely and clients in need of extraordinary care. Fortunately, we are blessed at Overture with a team of equally extraordinary problem solvers.
As the calls came in, our team jumped into action. Some became dispatchers while others with four-wheel drive vehicles ventured onto the roads to pick up caregivers and deliver them safely to clients’ homes. Many of those caregivers then spent long hours — even days at a time — sheltering with our clients and helping them stay warm, safe and comforted.
Other team members cooked and delivered meals, shopped for groceries, found firewood, delivered medications, looked for lost pets, called to check in on clients regularly, and helped evacuate those without power and heat to warm local facilities.
Many of those caregivers and other team members faced their own power outages, freezing temperatures and busted pipes at home, but they were still willing to put their patients first and head out whenever and wherever needed.
We’d like to shout out to some of the team members who went above and beyond to provide care for our clients:
Cutter Bryan, Phyllis Harris, Alisha Downs, Ashley Guitroz, Rosaicela Guiterrez, Shrosalyn Smith, Camry Miller, Leslie Simpson, Mary Ukono and Tashawnda Jackson all stayed with their clients for 16-, 24- and even 48-hour shifts. Several served for multiple such shifts.
Angela Rodriguez, Cecilia Gonzalez, Lalita Austin, Christina Edwards, Melissa Engman, Lindsay Dail, Vivian McNary, Valerie White and Nancy Zamora all stepped up to take on last-minute shifts and work as shift replacements.
Every one of these folks — and more — helped us with terrific attitudes and eager assistance whenever and however required. The week was difficult, but also incredibly moving. There are so many stories of heartbreak from the storm, but also so much that went right, thanks to our amazing Overture team.